Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obesity PowerPoint Presentation

Whilst I enjoyed putting my PowerPoint presentation together, I certainly found parts of the uploading and embedding into my Blog process rather challenging, time consuming and frustrating. I chose to do a topic that I felt was very important for children to be aware of from an early age, which is why I have targeted this presentation to the middle primary years and onwards. My topic is Obesity and it is something that can be prevented, so I believe knowledge and understanding around healthy eating and exercise patterns is so important.

I have based the content of the presentation around the Learning Engagement Theory (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999) using the Relate-Create-Donate process. Students get together in their groups and work on their project, putting together a suitable exercise and healthy eating program / worksheet (create), which can be used in their day to day lives (relate). They are to incorporate this new program over a 6 week period and at the end, present their findings in groups to the class via a PowerPoint presentation (donate). Also, I believe this would be in line with the Active Learning Theory because students would be creating a presentation with a true real world purpose. I tried to cater for the different learning styles by incorporating texts, pictures, links to an online quiz and some videos from utube. I have included the online quiz which is an individual activity that they can reflect on, and by doing group work this ensures that students are also working in a collaborative learning environment.

In relation to my own learning experience, I found PowerPoint itself was quite user-friendly so I think kids would certainly have a lot of fun playing around and experimenting with it. I do recall putting together a PowerPoint presentation some 8 years ago for a Marketing topic I undertook at university, but I have honestly not touched it again since then. After brainstorming and coming up with a topic I thought would capture student’s interest, educate them, and get them engaged in the learning process, I began my research. I relied mainly on information from the Internet and Utube. Then I worked out what I wanted to achieve and prepared my presentation outline and began to put it all together.

It was this next step that really threw me! Now I had to work out how to upload my PowerPoint Presentation to my Blog. I researched this subject forum and I was able to track down some information explaining how to upload to Slideshare. So I followed these steps, but for some reason my presentation would not upload. It was about 2am at this point and I was so eager to get my presentation embedded into my Blog, but I had hit a wall. I tried re-reading the steps and uploading the file a couple more times but I still got the same error message. So I took a deep breath and something made me refer back to ‘What are the Habits of Mind’ (HOM), as described by Arthur, J. Costa, reading at which point number 1 jumped straight out at me, stating “Persistence - is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time. Efficacious people stick to a task until it is completed and they don't give up easily”. This was of particular relevance to me at this point and I found it very motivating at a moment where I felt like giving up!

Another day of trying various different alternatives to get my PowerPoint presentation uploaded (my husband who is quite technologically savvy even spent an hour trying to find a solution), and still no success. This morning I was at my parents place and so I thought I would try uploading it on their computer and to my delight, it worked! I was then able to copy the embedded web address and post it into my Blog.....finally! I have certainly learnt a lot throughout this process and I feel a real sense of achievement now that I have produced my end result.


Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning, sourced from:


  1. That is a great powerpoint Christine. Good Job!!

  2. Thanks Megan, appreciate you taking the time to view and comment.

  3. Hi Christine, that is an excellent presentation, you have really made it interesting with a great balance of video, photos/graphics and text and interesting to read too. I really like how you have incorporated activities into it as well. It is really great and I am so happy for you that you finally got it uploaded!! I think your presentation would cater for a variety of learning styles and also uses the Theory of Engaged Learning by getting students to create their own presentation to present. Lots of interactive activities and encouraging collaborative learning. Really excellent I think! Also, thanks for your feedback on my presentation.

  4. Hi Christine, I'm glad you finally got it uploaded! What a nightmare! Great powerpoint presentation and excellent topic! I like the simplicity of it. The information is clear and concise with good use of multi-media. I can see this topic being used and modified from one year to the next. The stats are staggering, though, aren't they? I look at the kids my daughter goes to school with and wonder what some of these kids are going to look like in 5-10 years time. Scarey! Regards, Natalie

  5. Thank you Carolyne and Natalie for your positive comments. Natalie, yes the stats are staggering for something that is so preventable with some educating.

  6. Hi Christine!

    I think it is a great presentation and I liked the idea of using an interactive link to complete a questionaire which I think encourages students to participate, rather than just sitting back and watching! I had trouble uploading my powerpoint to blog also! I also ended up using slideshare because it was the easiest for me to use! At least once the account is set up we can use it again!

    Meegan Sommerfeld.
